We, the Bolg-Aryans

Shegor Rassate, Bulgaria

Bulgarian – it means Man of Wisdom, man who knows a lot”

History of the Volgean Bulgarians


Bulgarian is he, who does not steal, does not lie, does not kill,

does not change his creed…”


Jordan Hajikonstantinow – Jinot, from Veles, Macedonia



The Rider from Madara



     A great number of people is not able to accomplish, that our life is prederminated by the ancestors. Wether we realize it or not, we come as their inheritors in the historical scene, got into the fights, they led in the past. When Khan Isperich had choosen this land (Today,s Bulgaria) for a new Bulgarian state, he had just predeterminated our destiny for many centuries forwards. Because the land of the Balkan is for lord-men only. Who keeps it a tight rein on, crusheing the foreighn invaders, he will lead a deserving life, using the wealth and the crossroad situation of this lord’s land. But who even one time retreats, everybody will be passing over him, so he will be suffering forever, wearing the curse of Khan Isperich, because he had denied his holy Legacy.  


     Inforturnately, Bulgaria is not great World power now, like in the time of our glorious past. After a five centuries long interupting of the Bulgarian independence in the time of the Otoman domination,  the our nation have lost its state-building tradition, and a great part of its historical and cultural heritage. Protected by the Otoman power, some agents of hostile to the Bulgarian nation powers were systematicly destroying the documents of our past, driving to obliteration of our historical memory. They are the same enemyes, who had been ever paied tributes to the great Bulgarian kings. They have reason to be waried today, that the lord’s will of our nation will wake up again.


     After the Liberation the so called “Great powers” so arrogantly began to intrade into the social-political life of Bulgaria. In this way the criminal Slavian-Turkish theory was established. The our nation is presented there as some mixture of half-savage nomadian tribes. Up till now this poisoner’s theory is been caried out in the Bulgarian shools and universities, as well as in the Wold historical issued. For the honour of our glorious forefathers and for a new-birth of the Bulgarian Tribe and Kingdom we, the trueth Bulgarian patriots, are fighting against this lie!


     We the Bulgarians are not Turks, nor Slavs, because such “Slavian” nation had never been existed. The only fact, that anybody from outside tries to force his concept for the Slavian orygin of Bulgarians, must make us to deny it, before to proceed to its disprove. The Slavs are not realy existing nationality, there are only East-European nations. Infact the Pan-Slavian doctrine is created by the Jewish-Freemasonary cyrcles, who aim to divide and oppose the European nations.With great responsibility we proclame it to our Russian friends, because the only Russia have suffered by the consequences of the Panslavic doctrine, which was promoteing its shauvinistic imperialism.


     Our ancestors have never been some nomadians, who were living by rapacious wars. We the Bulgarians are descedents of great and cultural folks – Thracians, Celts, Gothes, but allmost of the Ancient Bulgarians, whose great civilisation we continue. Our forefathers were feeling themselves as high-cultural nation. “Bulgarian – it means Man of wisdom, man who knows a lot.”

With this sentence begins the history of the Volgean Bulgarians. The Bulgarians were considering themselves as continuers of the most ancient World civilisation. In the Medieval Bulgarian transcribtion of the Sibila book (the book of the Chaldean prorhet-woman Sibila) is written, that the Bulgarians are from “The First Sun” folk, one folk, who comes from the Golgen age.(1) The Ancient Bulgarians had advanced state order, with more than 40 state and military titles. The basic titles are KHANAS JUVIGI (King), KAVHAN (Prime minister) BOILA (noble man), KOLOBAR (priest), TARKAN (higher administrator), BAGATOUR (hard-armoured horseman; higher commander), BAGAIN (line oficer). (2) The most of these titles are divided into different varies, accourding to the duties they are concerned. The ancient Bulgarian state order is based on the complete three-functional social structure, inherent for the White nations:


     1. Priesthoodkolobars.

     2. Military estateboils, tarkans, bagatours, bagains.

     3. Work-men.


     The King-Priest reigns over the three social estates. He has the holy title KHANAS YUVIGI – Lord from the God. By righns the Bulgarian crown belongs to the Holy Dynasty of DULO. Its name is relative to the name of the holy Aryan land – THULE. In the language of the Pamirian folkes, relative to the Bulgarian folk, THULE means “God-established order”.(3) Thule is also the name of the capital of the Celtic kingdom in Thracia, foundated by the kings-brothers Brem and Bolg. No wonder one of them had goon by the holy Bulgarian name BOLG.


     The Khan governes with the help of the Six Great Boils. They constitute the highest lord’s elite, calles Oukil, but they belong to the Kolobar’s estate as a rule. With the Khan together they constitute the Counsil of the Seven – the suprime authority of the Kingdom (Sarakt).


     The great Italian philosopher Julius Evola refers the king-priest government to the primary Aryan civilisation, related to the Golden age.(4) Therefore we the Bulgarians have a full right to consider ourselves as a nation from “The First Sun”, as there is in the Bulgarian version of Sibila stated. In generall, our statement is suported by very seriose evidences, which prove the very ancient continuence of the Bulgarian civilisation. There are many similar state titles like the Bulgarian, known from the heritages of the earliest World civilisations – Summer and the Proto-Indian civilisation. In the historical time the same titles were valid in the South-Eastern Asia, in the Kushanian empire, also in some Celtic kingdoms.(5) In all these civilisations one state title system was established, therefore it is realy speaking of one state order, heritage of one primary civilisation. Many a time before the Indoeuropaean expansion this civilisation had spread its might and cultural influence over the Old World - it was probably the very Atlantis. So we have to be proud with our ancestors, who had succeeded to preserve our ancient state order in such complete form, to such later age. Just to the IX century the rightfull Bulgarian state order had been valid, when it was denied by the Christian government.


     The state-building tradition is not the only evidence for the high organiser’s abilities and the cultural level of Bulgarians. The Kingdom and Nation are based on the Tribe, but there is also a complex tribe title system, valid in the Bulgarian folk tradition up till now. There are titles as MAMA (mother), TATE (father), BATE (older brother), SHOLYO (younger brother), KAKA (older sister), TSHITSHO (oncle), LELYA (aunt), BULKA (wife) and many others, which we know since our child years. The Bulgarian tribe titles define not only the subject of relationship, but also its ranks.(6) For the majority of Indoeuropaean folks such kind of tribe-building system is unknown.


     We the Bulgarians have preserved one very rich folklore. It I caried out in the Bulgarian folk costumes the combination of the three basic cosmical colours – white, red and black, and brown as well. Our folk costumes are embroidered with splendid tortons, in formes of runes, swastics, Celtic crosses and other Aryan symbols. We have also a rich folk music – various songs and dances, in very various rhythmes. In generall, all the sides of the Bulgarian social order and culture are penetrated by the complicated hierarhy principle, by the cult of order and charmony. It is realy an expression of one complete point of view, pecular for the Golden age civilisation.





Proto-Bulgarian horse-amulet



     The Ancient Bulgarians had an advanced astronomical knowledge, realized in the Bulgarian calendar – one of the most precise calendars in the World. It is a Sun-based calendar. The chronology there is also based on the circumstance of Jupiter round the Sun, which is approximily 12 years long. Therefore the years are ordered in one 12-years cyrcle, corresponding to the mouvment of Jupiter. Each of these 12 years is named after some animal. This kind of calendar is known as Chineen now. But the Chineens do not relate the 12-years cyrcle to the circumference of Jupiter – the very astronomical fundament of the 12-years circle. Once again we prove, that the White race is the only Ceator all the human knowledge achievements.


     Still in the antiquity the Bulgarians had an advanced economy. Unlike their nomadian naighbours, living in Midle Asia, our ancestors had been developed all the branches of economy – agriculture, stockbreeding, house-building, trade, craft indystry. In the sphere of craft industry a great importance had the furriery, weaving, blacksmith’s industry, golgsmith’s trade, and many others. Not only with the finely breed horses were famous the Ancient Bulgarians. They had pricefull sorts of cereals as well. All over the Ancient East were renowered the high-quality Bulgarian goods and products – 12 of them were named Bolgar. (7) For the needs of complete economic development, the Bulgarians had been foundated their states in lands, where are fertilious fields, mountains and commersial roads. In such lands were established the states of Balhara in Bactria, the Old Great Bulgaria, the Danubian (Today’s) Bulgaria and Bavaria.


     The domination of such rich lands is possible only because of the first importance military power of the lord’s nation, which rules over them. Though their advanced matherial and spiritual culture, our ancestors had never become some weak people, coddled by the easy life of civilisation. They were able to survive the hardships and miseries during the war, no worse than the half-savage peoples, who were living in the severe natural conditions. The chronist Enodius (505-th year) tells about the high fighting skills of the Bulgarians and their elevated military virtues, in his praised essey to the Gothic king Theodorich. The reason of it was the victory (not so very great) of Theodorich over the Bulgarians:

“This is the folk (the Bulgarians), which owned all it asked before You, in which had been respected he, who had bought his dignity with the blood of his enemies, for which the battle field was like a place of birth: because he, whose weapons (arrows, axes) during the battle had been more red become, definetily he was noble man considered. Before Your battle, it has never happened this folk to know what is resistence – for a long time the military marshes were the his main occupation. This folk was continueing its marshes, throgh the staying infront high mountains and rivers, allthough the lack of nessesary food, while they are thinking, that it is enough to drink horse milk to be feed.”(8)





Bulgarian rider-bagatourimage on a cup from

the treasure from Nagi Sent Miklosh (Hungary)



     In spite of the anihilation of our historical heritage, there are some remined documents, where the our forefathers had their own history written. As well as uncomplete are looking they, iust there is the trueth trace, which leads to our oryginal genealogy and national identity. There was one great Bulgarian, who had succeeded to blow away the darkness of fallacy, proclameing the trueth for the Bolg-Aryans. He is Georgi Stoykov Rakovski. Allways when we remember him, it sounds in ourselves the cherished sentence of Rakovski:

”We are Aryans, and the evidence is the our national name Bolg-Arians.”

Inforturnately there were not reasonable men in those turbulent times to understand him. The great Bulgarian enlightener had found and published one very pricefull for us Bulgarian chronicle. The national orygin of Bulgarians is there exactly defined:

“The Bulgarian nation came in the antiquity to the Black sea and to the Volga river from the Great Scandinavia, and calling were themselves they GIMERI and KIMERI.”(9)





Georgi Stoykov Rakovski (1821-1867)


     The Kimmerians! Were not they one wrapped in mystery folk, living in the end of World, where is not any Sun shine, as in the Homer’s Odisea is written. The folk of Konan the Barbarian, in whose face the great writer Robert Howard has his ancestors immortalized. The Kimmerians, considered as descedents of the legendary Atlantis. The brave horsemen-warriors, who conquered the Asia Minor and pressured the mighty Assirian empire, after they had abandomed their old fatherland Kimmeria in the noth from Black sea, drivven by the Scytians. Many a time later the same Kimmerians (called also Kimbres) treathened the existence of Rom – just in the II c. BC, when it wass still in the fullness of its power.


     Not only in the war were strong the Kimmerians, but also in their state organisation. They had influed the rising in the West aristocracy, and they had finely breed horses brought with them, as Strabo states. All it was charakteristic for the Ancient Bulgarians as we know.





Left: Kimmerian swastica-brosh from the the Northen Black sea region, VIII c. BC

Right: Bulgarian ritual bread with similar figure



      The migration of Bulgarians from Volga to Scandinavia and Black sea is also described in the History of Paisii Hilendarski – one of the greatest Bulgarian enlighteners. But in the official version of it the name “Kimmerians” is turned into “Scandinavians” and “Slavs”.(10) One shoking fact have been also laterly proclamed – the trueth name of the Paisian history is “Bolgarian history”, not “Slav-Bolgarian history”, as the official version is titled. This is the stigma of falscification, this is the technology of counterfeiting of our national identity! In this way the inspirateing proudness and nobelity name of our ancestors - KIMMERIANS, was turned into some “SLAVS”.


     The Rakovski chronicle continues with the story about the Kimmerian expansion over the World, when a part of Kimmerians let to call themselves BOLGARIANS:

“…they had multiplied, and they were the first, who came in this land, many a time before Alexander the Macedonian.

     Ilirik was the first king, but since 3522 year since the Creature of World (1896 BC) was reighning King Bladilii, who had Philip the Macedonian won and his subject had him done. Since 3685 (1823 BC) kings were the brothers Brem and Bolg. Becayse they had many kings won, and many lands conquered, the people named themselve after their names. Brem had the Western country won, and left he to the shores of the Western sea, Baltic sea to Pomerania, and called they themselves Pems, Slovakians and Brandi-Bures. BOlG had the eastern country  won, and settled he with his folk there, and called they themselves BOLGARI.”


      The events here described are refered to the beginning of the II millenium BC, so the Rakowski chronicle is one document of the oldest history of Europe. However there are tvo different events mixed there: the Kimmerian expansion in the beginning of the II m. BC, and the Celtic conquest of South-Eastern Europe many a time later. Actually in the III c. BC the Celtic kings Brem and Bolg had their kingdom in Thracia established, which the capital of Thule (Today’s Tulovo, in the Stara Zagora region). They were fighting there against Philip the Macedonian. The reason of the mixture of these events is the name of the Bulgarian Forefather - the King Bolg, whose name had also the later Celtic king. It dues to the relationship of Celts and Kimmerians we state. This mistake was probably done, when the Rakovski chronicle was rewritten from some older oryginal. However the reighning of Brem and Bolg was described by the Greek chronists Polibius and Pavsanius very well, so it is easy to divide the events, mixed in the cronicle.(11)




     Another histirical chronicles testify for the Kimmerian orygin of Bulgarians as well. In the history of Volgean Bulgarians “Jagfar Tarichi” the Kimmerians, called KAMIRians there, are considered as one very ancient folk. They had to be in a large area of Middle Asia settled, and into a few folks themselves differentiated – Saks , Massagethes, Alanians, Armenians, and Bulgarians as well.(12) All the folks, enumerated here, belong to the Indoeuropaean linguistic family. In his “A History of the wars” Procopius the Caesarean tells about the genealogy of the Bulgarian tribes Utigures and Kutrigures: ”In olden time the Hunes, called then Kimmerians, were living there (Outside the Azov sea), being subjects of one king…”(13)

Like in the Rakovski chronicle, in these two sources is advanced the same conception, that the Kimmerians had been one primary folk, into a few different folks in consequence differentiated. It is known more one genealogy, led from the Bible, which hints at our Kimmerian orygin. To the famous generational line:


Noy – Jafeth – Gomer


the Chazarian kagan Josiph had added the names of BOLGAR and his nine sons.

A similar genealogy is written by Herbelot de Molenvile in his “Oriental library” (1697):

“Another son of Jafeth, GOMARY, clearing his way, reached to the same river (Volga), where he had two sons: BOLGAR and Bertis…About the 500-th year CE, the living s in this land folks settled in Dakia and Misia, where they became known as Bulgarians”(14)

 It seems, in this genealogy is the famous historical trueth recreated: the Bulgarians orygin from the Kimmerians. Because of the similar sound of KIMMERIANS (GIMMERIANS) and GOMER, the Bulgarian orygin must be related to the line of Gomer. Another opinion is, that Gomer was realy the Forefather of Kimmerians, therefore of the Bulgarian nation.


     The Bulgarians and Kimmerians were realy one folk. The most sure evidence for it we find in the ancient history of Babylonia. Just in the II millenium BC in its northen part was established the folk BALHARIS, whose king was named CIMBERIS.(15) The relation of these  two names do not need in any comment.


     In the survey of these historical sources we touch the very important for us question of the Bulgarian Forefather. We have to remark, it is exclusively one spiritual problem of spiritual nature – it is breaking of the Holy Bulgarian Myth, not only of the just historical data, remined to present day. Accourding to the ancient tradition, each folk is named after its forefather. In this way the ATLANTs were named after the King ATLANT, the PELASGeans – after the King PELASG, and naturaly we, the BOLG-ARYANS, were named after the King BOLG. In no account the Bulgarian Holy Myth had been in any way forgotten, it is preserved in the most sacred Bulgarian family festival – the KOLEDA. For the sence of this festival testifies the famous Koledarian song: “Bolg se rodi, Koledo” (Bolg is born, oh my Koled). In the song is praised the King KOLED and his son BOLG, explains Jeromonach Spiridon as well. As holy Bulgarian hymnes, the Koledarian songs are preising the King Koled, who is actualy considered as Bulgarian Forefather. The reasonant refrains “Oi Kolade, moi Kolade” or “Kolade, Kolade le” are warming the hearts of of the trueth Bulgarians. It looks in the text of Rakovski chronicle the name of King Koled was skipped, but it is present in the chronicles of Jeromonach Spiridon and Pop Jovtsho Popnokolov – two famous Bulgarian clerics.(16,17) In this way the genealogy of the early Bulgarian kings takes the following order:




However, in the both chronicles their reigning is is related to the time from 986 to 585 BC. We find as well, the holy myth of the Kings Koled and Bolg is incorporated in the name of the legendary sword of King Arthur – ESKALIBUR. As we know, this is infact the latine version of the oryginal Celtic name of the sword – KALEDVULH (KOLED-BOLG) – the Sword of KOLED and BOLG.(18) No wonder the echo of this myth had reached to Distant Britain. It is a part of the heritage of the Kimmerians, immortalized in the legends for the King Arthur. (We mean the Kimmerian tribes Lodgres and Britones, also Bolg (Bulgarians), settled in Britain in the III-II c. BC)




A Stone barelef of grifon from Great Preslav, North-Eastern Bulgaria



     On the other hand, the name BOLG means WOLF – in Kimraeg it is written as VULH.(19) In the VI c. CE the both Bulgarian rulers – Bolgar and Dragon, had broken in Byzantia with their army. In some Serbian chronicles their names were written as VUKITSH and Dragitsh. In Serbian VUK means WOLF, so it seems the author was clear about the holy sence of the Bulgarian name. The Wolf is the holy animal of the Aryans, as alive example of order, courage and selflessness – the most elevated Aryan virtues.


We are the folk of the Wolf!


     In one oryginal way Rakovski had studied the subject of the Bulgarian national identity. Searching the wealth of the contemporary Bulgarian language, he found, that many words, considered as “Slavian”, have closed paralels in the Ancient Persian and Samskrit. Another words have relationship with the Celtic languages. Therefore he had conclused, that the Bulgarian folk orygins from two basic folks: Celto-Kimmerians and Indo-Aryans . He had found as well, that the traces of our national orygin lead to our national name. We are named after the Kimmerian King BOLG, but also after the ARYANS, therefore we are BOLG-ARYANS –

the Aryans of the Wolf.


     The thesis of Rakovski about the orygin of Bulgarians realy has great historical grounds. The pointed up linguistic duality was expressed still in the Ancient Bulgarian, where Peter Dobrev has also distinguished words from Celtic and Iranian orygin. While the Iranian are concerned to some ordinary thinks of life, the fundamental notions, concerned to the state order and the spirituial life, exclusively have paralels in Celtic languages. They are threshed out in the table bellow:



Bulgarian notions



Celtic and other  notions

TANGRA – the Lord God


THUNDER (Engl. from Celt.)

TINGOR (Kimr.) – oath to the God

DONNER (Germ.) – “thunder”;

 the Thunder-god


KOLEDA – the Festival of the Bulgarian Forefather

KOLED (Celt.) – “holyday”(a common name);




KOLOBAR – Bulgarian priest title

KALL –  kindly turn to druid

KOLL – the Druides holy knowledge

HOLY (Engl.)

KHANAS JUVIGI – the holy title of the Bulgarian King

KEAN or KANS – titles of Celtic kings

KANNAS (Celt.) – “God’s massanger”

KONIG (Germ.) – king; also

KONUNG (Scand.)


KANARTIKIN - throneinheritor

KANARD – throneinheritor, also



RIG – king

-RICH (-RIG) – end of the names of two Bulgarian kings – ISPERICH and TELERIG


RIG (Celt.) – king; also

REX (Lat.)

RAJAH (Samskr.)

-RICH (Germ. and Gothic) – end of king’s names



DULO – the name of the Holy Bulgarian Dynasty


DULA (Celt.) – “sceptre”

DUAL (Celt.) – rightfull heir power; right of inheritance


VOKIL (OUKIL) – a name of noble Bulgarian family

VUKHIL (OUKEL) – the high Celtic noble estate


BOILA – a fundamental Bulgarian noble title

BOILA (Celt.) – a state magistrate title

TARKAN – gubernator or state ruler; judje

TARGAD (Celt.) - gubernator

BAGAIN – line oficer


BAGAID –  military detachment

BAGATOUR –  hard armed horsemen;

high oficer

Bagador – Celtic warior

ONGAL –  fortification


ONGL –  fortification

KAMPSI – teacher


KAMPA –  Druid’s school

JANCUL – the planet Jupiter;

the Lord of the stars

JANGU (Kimr.) – “main”, “great”;

JANCAIL (Cornwall)


(from the Petar Dobrev’s book “The Recovering of the Proto-Bulgarian calendar”)


These key words are testifying for the identity of those folk, which had established the fundament of the Bulgarian civilisation. The shown up state titles are characteristic of the ancient Bulfarians and the Goedelic Celts, less of the Gaels. To the Goedelic group belong the Walesmen and the Cornwalers – just these Celts, who have prevailing Kimmerian orygin.


     Up till now the Walesmen have preserved their ancient name KYMRO, and they call their language KYMRAEG. As a rule the contemporary Europaean scientists are stateing, that the Kimmerians had a basic importance in the orygin of the Celtic nation in the region of the Upper Danube about the VI c. BC. The so named “Haldstadt culture”, developed at that time there, is considered as the earliest Celtic culture.(21) It is interesting as well, that Zonara, cited by Jeromonach Spiridon, had classified the Celts and Kimmerians as relative folks, descedents of Gomer.(22)


     So we explain the genesis of the Bulgarian nation: the basic folk was the Kimmerian folk BOLG, speaking Celto-Kimmerian; the folk of ARYANS had joined to it, so its Indo-Iranian language was bilded over the basic Celto-Cimmerian. In this way the contemporary Bulgarian was formed. Just in this way was developed the Tocharian language as well. The Tocharians were relative to the Ancient Bulgarians, living just in naighbourship to our ancestors – in the lands northwards from Pamir. The Tocharian language is related to the Celtic and Latine in generall, but it was enriched with Indo-Iranian elements in consequence.(23)


     Not only the language, but also some other sides of the Bulgarian national identity must be explained with our Kimmerian-Iranian orygin. In the way of compairison we have clarified not only the orygin, but also the holy meaning of the Bulgarioan folk festivals and customes, commected with them. The majority of the Bulgarian festivals have Kimmerian orygin, because there are many costumes in them, characteristic to the Celtic festivals as well. Such are the Koleda-Jull, the Atanasovden-Imbolk, the Gergjovden-Beltene, the Ilinden-Lugnazad… Another festivals have definely Iranian orygin. So the Mujka Zadusjnitza (The All Soul’s Day) is related to the Celtic festival Samhaen, but it is most closed to the Iranian festival Hamaspatmedia, whose name means just “A Treat in honour of the souls of the rightelous men”. On the eve of the movable Christian festival Sirni Zagovezni,  a splendid fire plays are being carried out, as expression of the most important Iranian festival – Nourouz, the Aryan New Year, honoured in the Day of the Vernal equinox (21-st March). In the everning before this day the people birns big fires, which have to be jumped over for health. Accourding to the costume, the men are making torches of splited wood sticks, filled with straw. The sticks have to be burned and whirled in circles. In this way the Holy Aryan Swastica is expressed – the symbol of Sun and Fire, and Cosmical order in generall.(24) With the sign of Swastica the men are congratulateing the victory of the Sun over the darkness and the evil powers in the comeing Nouruz, which means “The New Day”.  The fire plays, described above, are characteristic to Bulgaria, Kurdistan and Iran. We must not forget, that many Bulgarian costumes and festivals are inherited by the Thracians as well, who also were very ancient and cultural folk.


     Doubtless the unite of BOLGS and ARYANS had taken place in Bactria. Westwards from Bactria is the holy Aryan land Aryana Vayedjio situated. It is praised by Zarathustra in the holy himnes of Gatha, the oldest part of the Zent-Avesta. The todays researchers are stateing, that it was the ancient state of the ARYANS, because ARYAN is the ancient etnic name of Persians and Bharata (the folk of Indo-Aryans), written in the Vedas and Zent-Avesta. Ammoung the folkes, who had taken part in the marsh of the Persian emperor Cyrus against Helada, Herodot mentiones the ARYANS. Their armour was like the armour of Bactrians.(25) But Aryan is not only a common  etnical name of the Indo-Iranian folks. It is allmost a word for noble, elevated man, for the Aryans as Race of the Spirit.

AR means Man and Heroe. “Ar is the Eagle and the symbol of Sun, called in Egyptian RA.”(26) In the Indoeuropaean languages RA means “God” as well. It is wisible in the name of the Bulgarian Lord God TANG-RA, also of the Vedian gods MIT-RA and IND-RA.


     It seems the formation of the Bulgarian folk had not been at once accomplished. In the ancient chronicles the Bulgarians are called BALHs or BOLHs – in Mahabharata and Early puranas, and BOLGs – in the Celtic legends. Since the IV c. CE in the Europaean historical literature the name of our ancestors let to be written an BULGARES – in Latine, and VULGARES – in Greek, BOLGARI – in the Old Bulgarian. On the other hand, the name of the Ancient Bulgarian kingdom in Bactria was written as BALHARA, it consists of BALH and ARA. Under the same name was known the folk BALHARIS, who had settled in the Northen Babylonia, in naighbourship with the Mitanian kingdom. It was in the time of the beginning of II millenium BC, for which period are not there any sure data for the existence of Balhara.


     There is one chronicle, found in Russia, which testifies about the relationship of Persians and Bulgarians. It concernes to the Bulgarian migration to the Balkan peninsula. “Numerous, even numberless, they (the Bulgarians) have filled all the land far to Dratsh (Today’s Dures in Albania), because the Bulgarians, Persians and Vluhves are one kind of people, and all they are new-commers in this land.”(27) This chronicle hints at the relationship of Bulgarians and Vluhves as well. Vluhves were the three kings from the East, who had prophecied the birth of the Christ and brought their prices to him. As Vluhves are considered the Chaldeans – the wicemen-astrologers, who were governing the ancient city of Babylon. In the chronicle of the Konstanz counsill, which had sat in the XV c. in South Germany, is also paricularized, that Bulgarians and Chaldeans are one folk. There is written about some “King of Bulgaria / Rex Chaldean” However there are not any direct historical evidences for the Chaldean etnical orygin. The World historicals are stateing, that the Chaldeans are some Semitic tribe, but it seems this thesis needs a revision. Just in case we must apprise very carefully the concept of Chaldeans as a folk, related to the Bulgarians. There is in the Bulgarian folk-researcher cyrcles such a thesis confirmed, that the name VLUHVA is one unvoiced form of BULGARIAN. On the other hand, VLUHVA is also a notion for astrologer and wiceman. In the Old Bulgarian the word VLAH means “star”, and the verb VLAHUVAM – “officiate”. Do not forget, that ”Bulgarian means Man of wisdom, man who knows a lot.”


     Accourding to the commonly explainion, Culdean means “With the God connevted”: Cul-dea, so its complete sence has to be accomplished.” (Rudolf John Gorsleben, 28) Indeed we must look for the orygin of Chaldea in the ancient root CUL or KOL, the word for “Holyness”. On this root are based: the latine notion CULT, the Bulgarian priest title KOLOBAR, and the name of the Bulgarian Forefather – the King KOLED. But CHALDEA contains the God’s name also – DEA, relative to the Latine DEUS and Samskrit DEVA.


     In this way we have restored the earliest Bulgarian hitory: in the beginning of the II millenium BC the Kimmerians had conquered many lands in Europe. The Kimmerian King Bolg had conquered the lands of Eastern Europe, so his subjects began to call themselves BOLGS (BOLGARIANS). Acciurding to the sources, published by Rakovski and Molenvile, King Bolg had grounded his kingdom in the lands roung Volga river. Therefore we have to concluse, that VOLGA was named after BOLG, not the opposite – as if we were named after Volga, because we had from there come. 


     In the next centuries the Bulgarians began to move to the East and South. So they appeared in Babylonia and Bactria (Today’s Afganistan). The earliest data about the Bulgarians we find in the Indian epos Mahabrarata, also in the Early puranas, whose composing is situated to the VIII-VII c. BC. The Ancient Bulgarians are called there BALHs or BALHIKs, and their state – BALHARA.(29) The capital of Balhara was the city of BALH, by the same name existing up till now. Just like Rom, which is famous as the Eternal city. Accourding to Mahabharata the Balhes were famous with their finely breed “heaven” horses, which were reason some Indian kings to lead wars for them. After the marsh of Alexander the Great, followed by one exausting war with the Guptian India, the Bulgarians were made to abandom their old fatherland. The first Bulgarian migration from Bactria to Europe began in the III-II c.BC. At that time one part of Bulgarians had settled even in the distant British isles. Just in this period there had come a folk named BOLGs – it is remarked in the history of Wales.(30) Accourding to some Celtic legends, written in this history, the BOLGs had come from the Partian kingdom, or from the Greek lands in Middle Asia – it concernes to the so named “Greek-Bactrian kingdon”. From the common history we know, that in the II c. BC in the British isles settled a part of Kimmerians, who had invaded Rome before it. As we have allready particularized, by the names KIMMERIANS (KIMBERS) or BOLGS we must one folk understand. In this time in the South Galia had settled the Kimmerian tribe VOLKs, whose name sounds like BOLGS.


     The early history of Bavaria is also connected with this first Bulgarian migration. Accourding to some monastery chronicles, the kingdom of Bavaria was foundated by some immigrants, who had come from the East. From these immigrants orygins the king’s dynasty of Bavaria – the family of King BALGER.

“In olden times this family had lived in the lands in the north of India, where it was famous still in the time of the Persian kings Astiag and Cyrus, in the VI c. BC. After this, about in the II c. BC, it settled in his oldest lands, in naighbourship with the most eastern parts of Armenia. After new battles and misadventures it leaved these lands, to come  in its last country – Bavaria.” (Petar Dobrev, 31)


     The dynasty of King Balger continued to rule many centuries later – to the XV century. Accourding to the chronicle of the Konstanz counsil, which had sat from 1414 to 1418 in the town of Konstanz, in the district of Baden Wurtemberg, Germany, it was ruleing there a king, ho had the following titles: “Keiser von Bulgarien” (King of Bulgaria)and “Rex Caldeorum” (King of Chaldeans). In the chronicle also particularized:

The Bulgarian King, who have to be empowered by one representative of the Orda, he rules the kingdom of Chaldeans.” Further is remarked, that Bulgaria is “A land, situated somewhere in Asia, eastwards from Damask and westwards from India.”(32) Evidently here is meaned Balhara. In the chronicle is drown a coat of arms – three lions, in vertical order situated. The same coat of arms is known from the Secomd Bulgarian Kingdom (XIV c.). To the present day it is valid in the German province of Baden-Wurtemberg, also in England (from Wales). It is the flag of the our Kimmerian ancestors, left as their heritage in these lands.





Left: The Konstanz counsil chronicle – the title page. There are two coats of arms –

three lions and a standing lion, like in the contemporary Bulgarian coat of arms

Right: the coat of arms of the Secomd Bulgarian kingdom



     The Konstaz counsil chronicle bears a withness for the continuence of the Bulgaruian kingdom. When Danubian Bulgarian was under Otoman domination, there wes in Southern Germany a ruler, who had the title King of Bulgaria. It shows, that the Bulgarian Kingdom have never broken its existwence – up till now it lives in our hearts!


     The memory of the olden greatness of Bulgaria had never exincted ammong the Danubian Bulgarians in these years, to the XIX c. The famous Bulgarian enlightener and collector of folklore creations – Tzani Gintshev, had learnmed from old men, that our folk had come from India in the ancestry. Jordan Hajikonstantinov Jinot states, that the Bulgarians, called  Kimmerians and Celto-Scytians, had come from some ancient city “which was in Persia situated, in olden time destroyed.”(33)


     Ancient city! Only this notion can completely disprove the falce nomadian theories for the orygin of the Bulgarian nation!


     While one part of Bulgarians had settled in Europe in the III-II c. BC, the main part of the Bulgarian folk remined in the lands of Imeon (Pamir mountain), in the north of Bactria. The Byzantian historian Agatia had written about it:

“In olden times the Hunian folk was living besides the Azov sea to the East, nortwards from the river Tanais (Don), and like other barbarian folks they had lived in Asia in the mountain of Imaua (Imeon). All these folks were called Scytians and Hunes as generall, and particulary accourding to the tribes: Kutrigures, Utigures, other Ultidsures, other Burugundes…”(34) In this list of tribes, qulified as Hunian, the Bulgarian tribes Utigures and Kutrigures are enumerated as well. About the marsh of these two tribes tells Procopius the Caesarean, cited up.


     In their order these Bulgarians were made to take the way of emigration, in the II c. CE. Some detailes of this migratiom are described in the “Cronicle of Michael the Syrian” (Byzantian historian): “In this time three brothers leaved from Scytia Interion, ahead of 30000 Scytians. They were travellyng in Winter, to be able to find water, so they reached to Tanais river… When they had reached the Romeyan (Byzantian) borders, one of them, called Bulgarious, took the command of 10000 men and went away from his brothers. These Scytians were called by the Romeans Bulgarians” (35)


     Peter Dobrev states, that this emigration was caused by the Hunes, who had rushed in Middle Asia at that time, after the decomposing of their empire, conquered by the Chineens in consequence. There is one wrong thesis, carried out in the World historical literature, that the Hunes were some Non-aryan hordes, who had driven and destroyed the Aryan folks, living in Middle Asia before – Saks, Massagethes, Tocharians, as in this way they had puted the end of the Aryan domination there. In generall the Hunes are presented in Europe like some cruel barbarians, or monsters at all… As inheritors of the Atila’s civilisationwe we the Bulgarians are feeling insulted of such profane qualification, so we want to particularize the meaning of the Hunian name. As Procopius states, in olden time the Hunes had been called Kimmerians, also Massagethes, therefore the Hunes of Atila are relative to the Bulgarian folk. It seems, the majority of the Early-Medieval chronists were clear about this fact, when they had many times called the Bulgarians as Hunes. Like the Bulgarian tribes, the names of some Hunian tribes end also in –GURes and –DURes. The names of the Bulgarian tribes ONOGHURes and ONOGUNDURes like to be derivative from the own name of Hunes – HON. No wonder Jordan calls these tribes HUNUGURes and HUNUGUNDURes. When the First Hunorian empire (in the north of China) began to expland, the name of HUNes (HIUNG-NU in the Chineen chronicles) became a common name of all the rider folks, subjects of the empire. Actually this name became valid for some Non-aryan folkes as well, but the so called King’s Hunes were the only dominateing folk there. They were speaking in the language Hu, considered as Indoeuropean, unlike the other Hunes, speaking in Jun, accourding to the Chineen chronicles.(36) Under the name of Hunes were known the Aryan rider folks, known also under the common name of Scytians. We the Bulgarians are part of this community of folks. On the base of these facts the great Bulgarian folk-researcher Dimitar Susulov had constituated his “Hunorian theory” for the orygin of Bulgarians, which leads to the trueth trace of our orygin. (37)

“From the land of Bulgarians the Hunes have spread their fury over the folks.”(38)

We are the Hunes!




Stone bareleph of lion (bars) from Stara Zagora, South Bulgaria



     It reignes a great ignorance to the subject of rider folks in the scientific and cultural cyrces of Europe. We mean the main Aryan folks – Kimmerians, Celts, Thracians, Bulgariuans, Scytians, Saks, Massagethes, Persians, Indoarians, who were continuers of the primary civilisation of Indoeuropaeans, risen about the V mill. BC in the stepes of Eastern Europe – the so named “Kurganian culture”. Inforturnately the leading Europaean cultural cyrcles consider the Ancient Greece and Rom as leading powers in the formation of the Europaean civilisation, while the rider folks had to be some semi-savage and non-cultural nomadians, who had a secomd importance in the the historical process. Actually the folks of Atila were tragers of one other type of civilisation, non-understandible for the ancient Greeks and Romans, less for the Europeans, living in the Burgeoise epoch. To the recent day the most awaken warriors of the Aryan cause are carried away only by the cultures of Greece and Rom. This prejudas stands in their way to recognize the Primary Aryan civilisation.

     The historical facts are testifying, that not the Huines, but just the Sjanbeans had driven the Aryan folks from Middle Asia, in this number the Bulgarians. In the time of the Bulgarian emigration in II c. CE, mentioned up, the famous Kushanian king Kanishka was leading a war against the Sjanbeans.(39)


     Driven from Imeon, the Bulgarians settled in the lands between Don river ans Caucas mountain. There were four Bulgarian tribes, living in these lands mentioned in the Armenian geofraphy “Ashharatzuitz”: KUPI-BULGAR, KUTSHI-BULGAR, TSHDAR BULGAR and ONOGHONDOR BULGAR. (40) Our ancestors had there a new state established, which later explanded to the north-west, to the lands in the north of Black sea (the old Kimmeria). So it became known as the Old Great Bulgaria in consequence. The first king of the new state was the legendary Khan Avitohol – the Son of the Deer (Avi – “son”, TOHOL – “deer”).(41) The orygin of this name is connected to the following legend: when Avitohol was a child, he had been left in a forest , where a deer had taken care of him. With his name begins the Name list of the Bulgarian kings – the Sacred document od the Bulgarian Kingdom:

“Avitohol was living 300 years. His family was Dulo, and his year – Dilom Tvirem.” In this text is expressed the idea of divine orygin of the King – Forefather, as he is considered to have lived (reigned infact) for the legendary 300 years. Khan Avitohol had  been entroned in the year DILOM TVIREM, which means year Snake, mounth Fourth, accourding to the 12-years cyrcle. This year was realy the 165-th CE.


     United with the Hunes, the Bulgarians had conquered in the IV century the lands of Eastern and Central Europe. The mighty Hune-Bulgarian empire had grown up - the empire of Khan Atila. When he had defeated Constantinopol and Rome, Atila gained the byname Flagellum deum (The God’s scourge). His name is not written in the namelist, but his son Knan Irnik figurates there, as the secomd king after Avitohol:

“ Irnik was living 150 years. His family was Dulo, and the his year – Dilom Tvirem.”

Like the Khan Avitohol, Irnik is also one sacred person, considered to have reigned 150 years – the half of the years of Avitohol. It is no wonder, because still as a child Irnik was predeterminated great king to become, accourding to one prophecy, commented by Priskus. When he was in the table of Atila, Priskus asked his naighbour:

Why this man, so cold to all his children, refers so kindly to this boy?”

The asked man answered: “ The fortunetellers have prognosticated, that his family will end in all his children, but only this boy will continue it; this is the reason of his tenderness: in this child he lowes the single spring of his generation.”(42)


     Durind a banquet, in the 453-th year Atila had suddenly died. Rapt in quarells for the division of the father’s empire, the older sons of Atila caused the anger of their subjects – the Gothes. The uprising of the Gothes caused the decomposing of the Atila’s empire. In an uneque fight fall the oldest Atila’s son Elak. Slain were some other Atila’s sons as well. Emnetzur and Ultidsur settled their people in the Today’s North-Western Bulgaria. Moveing into the Little Scytia (Today’s Dobrudja, North-Eastern Bulgaria), Khan Irnik let the Old Great Bulgaria to restore.


     As soon as after the Atila’s empire had been destroyed, the Bulgarians get to be known as organised military power in Central Europe. As  the state-creative nation of the empire, they had settled in the middle land  of it – Pannonia (Today’s Hungary).


     In spite of the confirmed in the official history imagine, not in the VII, but still in the IV century our ancestors let to settle the present Bulgarian lands. The map of st. Jeronim, who had lived in the IV c., is a sighnificant evidence for it. In this map is written: “Misia hec et Bulgaria” (Misia just Bulgaria).(43) In the 515 the Bulgarian king Vitalian led the united army of Bulgarians and Hunes against Byzantia, reaching the capital Constantinopol. To be able to protect the capital, the Byzantian emperor Anastasius had built the named after him Anastasian wall.(44) In the following decades the Bulgarians conquered a great part of the Balkan peninsula and became the prevailing population of the present Bulgarian lands. Accourding to the Ravena cosmograph, created in VI c.: “In Misia, Thracia and Macedonia are living only Bulgarians, who came from Great Scytia.”(45)

Still in the 507-th the Bulgarians had settled in Macedonia – “the Lower Ohrid’s land”, named after the holy Bulgarian town Ohrid.(46) (Fuck off Scopie!!!)


      In the VII c. nummerous Chazarian hordes had treathen the Old Great Bulgaria. About the 660-th year in extreme ade its last ruler died – the Khan Kubrat. At the dead-bad he had sweared his sons to be united as bund of arrows, to be able to preserve the power of Kingdom. In the long run they succeeded his Legacy to comply. While the oldest son – Khan Bat Bayan, had remined to defend the capitol Fanagoria, the other sons led the Bulgarian tribes to new lands. Ahead of the main part of Bulgarians, one other Kubrat’s son, named Isperich, occupied the land round the Danube delta. After an important victory over Byzantia, Khan Isperich took posession of Misia. He foundated new Bulgarian state, whose capital was Pliska (Today’s North-Eastern Bulgaria). At that time another Kubrat’s son – the Khan Kotrag, had led his people to the lands of Upper Volga and Kama rivers, where he foundated the Volgean Bulgaria, whose capitol was Great Bolgar.


     The image of Khan Isperich was eternalized in the holy Bulgarian stone bareleph – The Rider of Madara, hown out of the rock of Madara – the main Bulgarian cult centre (10 kilometres from Pliska). Since this event continued the well known Bulgarian history.


     This is the trueth past and genealogy of the Bolg-Aryan nation, allthough it is still knowledge of closed cyrcle of awaken Bulgarians. All the else is a garbage, written by and for some well read monkeys, as one great man liked to essay…


Bolg-Arya lives!


Dulo society,

the 1-st may 2002

Teku Tshitem


For contacts and discussion:





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14. Herbelot de Molainville. Biblioteque Orientall- Paris, 1697, p.214.

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     27. Ï.Äîáðåâ. Èñòîðèÿ íà...53 ñ.

     28. Rudolf John Gorsleben…s.216.

     29. Geographica data in Early Puranas – Calcuta, 1972, p.55.

     30. L.Lloyd. A history of Wales. 5 Ed. – London, 1954, p.30.

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     38. Äèìèòúð Ñúñúëîâ. Ïúòÿò íà Áúëãàðèÿ (Dimitar Susulov. The Path of Bulgaria) – Ñ., 2000.

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     43. Ã.Öåíîâ... 137 ñ.

     44. Ã.Öåíîâ... 178 ñ.

     45. Ã.Öåíîâ... 185 ñ.

     46. Áëàçèóñ Êëàéíåð. Èñòîðèÿ íà Áúëãàðèÿ (Blasius Klainer. A history of Bulgaria) – Ñ., 1977.